I wait for another artist who speaks
I wait for another artist who speaks
Speaks about truths
The ugly truth.
I wait for another artist who says
Says the things that need to be said
So ears can hear.
I wait for the death of marxism
the demise of capitalism
and the birth of Afrikanism.
R.I.P Fela.
An original by Nicosi
Nice painting of Fela.
Wise words. No one said it better than Fela!
Youve got me jamming to Fela. Fela sundays. Oh yes!
Fela remains the King. No one said it or can say it like him. Nice Tribute Nicosi.
The birth of Afrikanism. I hope I get to see that day.
He is who he is. The godfather of Afro beats and the speaker of truth. Nigeria needs someone like him in this generation
He put not just Nigerian music but African music on world stage....RIP
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